by John Thurman | Jun 30, 2021 | Fear of Success, Freedom from fear, Resilient Leadership, Success in Business, Success in Ministry, Work Life Balance
To kill fear, you must identify it, call it by its name, and cut off its fuel source. John Thurman Comedian Jeff Foxworthy is known for his folksy, family-friendly humor. One of his most viewed and vintage routines is the “You might be a Redneck if...
by John Thurman | Mar 2, 2021 | Decision Making, Fear of Criticism, Fear of Failure, Freedom from fear, Overcoming Fear, Resilience, The Bible and Fear, The No Fear Entrepreneur., Work Life Balance, WorkLife
Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.Les Brown I am excited because today I am going to show you how to destroy your 3 most formidable fears that you and I face. As we look at how to destroy your 3 formidable fears, you will...
by John Thurman | Jan 6, 2020 | Life change, Resilience, Work Life Balance
STOP! How are you doing with your resolutions? I hope you are feeling great about them. However, research suggests that most of us are not doing such a good job of maintaining them. Is it time to reset your failed New Year’s resolutions? We are beginning...
by John Thurman | Sep 5, 2014 | Intentional Living, Self-Care, Stress, Stress Management, Work Life Balance
(c)2013 John Thurman, Marseille Bike 1 Recapture Your Vision Work on Balance Businesses, life, and relationships that are vibrant and productive are powered by a vision. One of the keys to pushing back the negative, building relationship, expanding your business is to...
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