John's Blog
Easter, COVID-19, and New Beginnings
Empty Tomb (c) 2014 John Thurman I hope your Easter Celebration went well. It was one memorable experience for millions of believers around the world as we celebrated this most critical day in Christianity while living in the shadow of COVID-19. Over the weekend, I...
COVID-19! 12 Ways You Can Push Fear Back!
Refuse to be captivated by fear! COVID-19! Can you feel the fear that word brings? In this post, COVID-19, I will show you 12 proven ways you can push back fear! Like it or not, COVID-19 will be a part of the news cycles for weeks and months ahead. It is what it is....
Coronavirus, Toilet Paper, and Fear
How One Practice can Give You Peace in Turbulent Times Coronavirus, Toilet Paper, and Fear, what a crazy title for a crazy time! In this article, I will reveal one practice that can give you peace in turbulent times. It is a practice that resilient people have used...
Resilience at Work
Diagram of Resilience at Work Have you experienced an increase in workplace stress? Does the notion of Work-Life balance make sense to you or just some weird sort of pipe dream? Do you feel like you can be a success in your chosen field? Or, do you like so many, spend...
Coronavirus & Telework
Preparing for Telework Some proven practices from resilient teleworkers. The Coronavirus news is penetrating every aspect of our culture from the ancient liturgical customs of the common cup of communion to avoiding crowds. I tend to agree with the medical...
3 Ways to Manage Stress
From Deposit Photos How Resilience Makes Your Stronger Have you ever wondered why some people seem to crash and burn when they are faced with difficult times, and others seem to thrive? Why is it that when adversity presents itself, some people feel forced to defend...
10 Ways to Boost Communication in Your Marriage
“It is a luxury to be understood.” Ralph Waldo Emerson February is traditionally a month that focuses on love and relationships. Over the next couple of weeks, I will be featuring some of my most read articles on relationships....
How to Reset Your Failed New Year’s Resolutions
STOP! How are you doing with your resolutions? I hope you are feeling great about them. However, research suggests that most of us are not doing such a good job of maintaining them. Is it time to reset your failed New Year's resolutions? We are beginning the...
Avoid the 4 Pitfalls of the Holidays!
By John H. Thurman Jr. Can you believe it? Christmas is almost here. And in the next few days, millions of people will be headed home for the holidays. If you are a parent, then you are also keenly aware that Saturday morning cartoons, YouTube, and...
John Thurman M.Div., M.A. CMHC
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316 Osuna NE, Suite 2, Albuquerque, NM 87107
Phone Number
(505) 306-0395