John's Blog
Why New Year’s Resolutions Fail: How to Succeed with Yours
Why do New Year’s Resolutions fail? Mainly, because they are only a statement, or what we wish for in the coming year. There are usually no action plans, no deadlines, no backup plans. Sometimes they are unrealistic...
3 Free Christmas Gifts for Your Spouse
Madrid Angel (c)2021 John Thurman I love the holidays! But not everybody does. The holiday season can stir up reminders of tough times, abuse, trauma, and scarcity for many, which can, in turn, have a negative impact...
5 Ways to Use Gratitude as a Powerful Stress Buster
"Gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” C.K.Chesterson “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is Good! His faithful love endures forever.” Psalm 107:1 Are you sick and tired of the tediousness of the COVID...
7 Secrets to Building Resilience in Your Life and Business.
“Resilience is like a muscle. Flex it enough, and it will take less effort to get over emotional punches each time.”Alecia Moore Resilience, a buzzword that has become very popular in the past fifteen years. Today, I...
Swords, Sandboxes, and Precious Memories: Transition Points
What was your last transition point? A change at work, in your relationship, your health or you family? Life is filled with various transition points, mile markers, and life stages. Today, I am going to give you some...
Perseverance and Tenacity: 2 Keys to Lasting Relationships
Perseverance and tenacity are two of the most important, least discussed aspects of building and maintaining a long-term marriage. My wife, Angie, and I recently celebrated our 50th anniversary. Over the years, young...
John Thurman, M.Div., M.A., LCMHC
As an Author, Licensed Mental Health Professional, and Work-Life Coach, I guide individuals to turn challenges into growth opportunities. By integrating faith-based principles from positive psychology, resilience research, and Scripture, I empower people to build resilience and embrace a more fulfilling life.
Stay In Touch
316 Osuna Rd NE, Building 2, Suite# 202 Albuquerque, NM 87107
Phone Number
(505) 226-1449