John's Blog
4 Proven Ways to Enrich Your Marriage
Marriage is meant to keep people together, not just when things are good but mainly when not. That's why we take marriage vows, not wishes.John Thurman We celebrate forty-nine years of marriage this month. In that time, we have had multiple experiences with all...
2 Secrets of Success Discovered in Ancient Writings!
You don't luck into things as much as you'd like to think you do. So you build step by step, whether it's friendships or opportunities. Secrets ~Barbara Bush "The hand of the diligent will rule, but the slack hand will be put to forced labor.” Proverbs 12:24,...
How to Restrain the Fear of Success
To kill fear, you must identify it, call it by its name, and cut off its fuel source. John Thurman Comedian Jeff Foxworthy is known for his folksy, family-friendly humor. One of his most viewed and vintage routines is the “You might be a Redneck if series." With...
Defeat the Fear of Failure with These 10 Steps
Being afraid is normal. Staying afraid will limit your life! How do you face the fear of failure? Do you cower or conquer? The only way that you can overcome the fear of failure is to lean into it. An important part of strengthening you resilience is to be able to...
How To Destroy Your 3 Most Formidable Fears!
Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.Les Brown I am excited because today I am going to show you how to destroy your 3 most formidable fears that you and I face. As we look at how to destroy your 3 formidable fears, you will...
How to Jumpstart 2021 with One Word, Optimism
I am glad that 2020 is done! And with the events in Washington, D.C on January 6th, a part of me wants to cancel my 7-day free trial. But, I will not do that. After all you and I are resilient, aren't we? Today, I want to show you hoe to jumpstart 2021 with one word,...
How to Have Hope This Crazy 2020 Christmas
Faith expands in tough times. With all that has gone on this year, I wanted to show you how to have hope this Crazy 2020 Christmas! Are you ready for Christmas? I am! Am while I am not Buddy the Elf, the Christmas season has always been a time of celebration for our...
How to Overcome the Fear of Pandemic Fatigue
"Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" (Matt. 6:27). There is a very real danger of you and I experiencing "Pandemic Fatigue," if we fail to take care of ourselves. In this article I will show you how to overcome the fear of pandemic fatigue This...
5 Ways to Use Gratitude as a Powerful Stress Buster
"Gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” C.K.Chesterson “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is Good! His faithful love endures forever.” Psalm 107:1 Are you sick and tired of the tediousness of the COVID restrictions? Are you feeling worn down being a teleworker...
John Thurman M.Div., M.A. CMHC
Stay In Touch
316 Osuna NE, Suite 2, Albuquerque, NM 87107
Phone Number
(505) 306-0395