John's Blog
Grief, Recovery, and the Holidays: Christmas and a Recipe Card
Me prepping the chocolate. For those of us who’ve lost a parent or family member, particularly around the holidays, this time of year can have some rough patches as we remember our loved ones. In December of 2015, I received the call from my sister that my mom Mary...
Lower Holiday Stress as a Couple
Three things that will enhance your relationship over the holidays. Our Christmas Tree is up and operational, and one big difference this year is that I didn’t trim the house with lights! I was looking for the box of Christmas bulbs that I’d hung around the...
6 Ways to Grow In Gratitude this Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving with the Electric Strawberry (25th Infantry Division) “Gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” C.K.Chesterson A SPECIAL NOTE: I am thankful to be an American, I am thankful to be a Veteran, and I am grateful for the men and women who will not be with...
A Suicide Call
What would you do if a friend told you they were suicidal? It was 6:04 a.m. when a messenger alert went off on my phone to call my organization’s call center. I’m not sure about you, but if my phone goes off before 7:00 a.m. or after 10:00 p.m., it’s typically not...
Resilient Leadership Wins, Part 1
“You must manage yourself before you can lead others.” Zig Ziglar Your true leadership abilities or lack of them will reveal themselves in a crisis. At that moment when the crap hits the fan, you will either rise to the occasion or crash and burn. You will...
El Paso: Hope Amid Chaos
(c) 2019 John Thurman El Paso Memorial, Tuesday Recently America experiences a weekend was filled with horror, death, fear, anxiety, panic, and dread as news spread of the El Paso shootings and the second shock of the shootings in Dayton. Even as this tragic news was...
D-Day Thoughts
In the summer of 1977, I was a newly minted twenty-five-year-old U.S. Army Chaplain assigned to the 1st Battalion, 153rd Infantry, 39th Infantry Brigade of the Arkansas Army National Guard. It was my first time for Annual Training, a time when many National Guard...
You Can Become More Resilient!
Diagram of Resilience “How can you think yourself a great man, when the first accident that comes along can wipe you out completely.” — Euripides Did you know that no matter where you are in your life, you can become more resilient? Resilience is a hot topic and has...
2 Problem Solving Killers
What is the most recent problem solving situation that you have personally faced in the past few days? How did it turn out? Did you know that one trait of a person who is living a resilient life is the ability to problem solve and make good decisions? I don't know...
John Thurman M.Div., M.A. CMHC
Stay In Touch
316 Osuna NE, Suite 2, Albuquerque, NM 87107
Phone Number
(505) 306-0395