
This is looking out on the Sea of Galilee from the Top of the Sermon on the Mount site.

Want less fear, stress, anxiety and worry? Want to increase the joy of relationships?
Take Care of Yourself.
By John Thurman M.Div., M.A.

Have you ever wondered about all of the National Awareness Days and Months? 

With so many choices, I am going to take the lead from National Nutrition Month and do a three part series on Feeding Your Relationships.

I was amazed as I prepared for this article how many articles completely miss the importance of taking care of yourself in a relationship. I can almost bet there is one relationship that you really struggle with and that is the one you have with you.

This photo is one I took last summer when my wife and I took a trip to the Holy Land. It is on the traditional sight of the Sermon on the Mount as it looks out onto the Sea of Galilee. A breath taking view that even to this day floods my mind with blessings and memories

What I read reminded me of the importance of taking care of the most important person in a relationship, and that is you.

The Sea of Galilee receives, but does not keep the Jordan. For every drop that flows into, another drop flows out. The Sea of Galilee gives equally as it receives.

But the Dead Sea keeps the Jordan. It has no outlet. Every drop it gets, it keeps. It is not tempted to share and stockpiles its incoming waters aggressively.

The Sea of Galilee gives, lives and flourishes. The Dead Sea keeps everything, shares nothing and is dead.
Which sea best represents you and your life? Which sea do you wish to be like?

Here are seven ways to nurture yourself.

Start the day with a with a heartfelt smile and a thankful heart as you have been blessed with another day, another chance, a new opportunity to make great choices.

Stop assaulting yourself. Quit beating yourself up. We all mess life up from time to time. Nobody is perfect, but you don’t need to spend you life looking in the rearview mirror at how you have messed things up. Instead, leave the past and think of what lies ahead in your life journey.

Focus on your strengths. You have been hardwired with great attributes and personality. Not to sound clinical, but self-talk can be a great thing. Take a couple minutes each day to have a little motivational session with yourself. Tell yourself what you like about what you see. 

Try to avoid comparing yourself to others. There is only one you that has ever been or will ever be. Learn to excel at being you.

Be mindful of the good things. You and I always have a choice in how we view things in a negative or positive life. The choice is always ours.

Take care of yourself. Take time to renew and refresh yourself physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally while you nurture other. 

Learn to say no. Even Jesus understood this one. In the New Testament, he says, “Let your Yes be Yes and your No be No.” Whether it’s obligation, fear, guilt, shame, or people pleasing, you always have the right to choose what you want to do with your time, energy, emotions, and resources, because you are a steward to them.

Take care of yourself.


One of my favorite recent photos taken by Cpt Brian Pilgrim, my Behavioral Health Officer friend and aircrew member. On a recent trip to Las Cruses

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