John's Blog
2019 Resolutions? Don’t!
As we move into what could be a wonderful and exciting New Year I thought it would be fun to look at the traditional Top 10 resolutions and then give you some tips on how to be more successful in meeting them. These are from Statistic Brain. Lose Weight/Healthier...
7 Ways to Experience True Success – # 5 Partner Well
Partner Well “Plans go wrong for lack of advice; many advisers bring success.” Proverbs 15.22 In a few days, many of my friends will be traveling to Franklin, Tennessee to attend The Tribe Conference, 2018 hosted by Best Selling Author and Entrepreneur, Jeff Goins....
7 Ways to Experience True Success – # 4 Make a Decision
Make a Decision “Life is managed, not cured.” Dr. Phil To get where you want to go in life, you have to make a decision. That decision will be something like, if I want to improve my situation I must change ___________. You and I are our own life managers, and...
7 Way to Experience True Success – 3 – Take Action
Step 3 - Take Action Recently, I was watching A Night at the Museum 2, and there was Amy Adams, one of my favorite actors portraying Amelia Earnhart, one of America's aviation pioneers. Amelia Earhart, what a powerful legacy of a woman, a person who experienced...
6 Ways to Experience Success Part 2 – FOCUS
Albert Einstein said, “Genius is the ability to focus on one particular thing for a long time without losing concentration.” Excerpt From The No Fear Entrepreneur So many entrepreneurs and ministry leaders fail to build their businesses/ministries because they are...
7 Ways To Experience True Success Part -1-Know Your Why
Did you know that many entrepreneurs and ministry leaders start off with a great plan, product or idea only to do a face plant down the road? While there are many great stories and articles about why startups fail or succeed I want to spend a few minutes...
Suicide, One Christian’s Response.
Unfortunately, the rates of Suicide continue to go up. Equally unfortunate is the Church's impotent response to this crisis. Today, September 10, 2019, I discovered that a young pastor, Jarrid Wilson, took his life after a long struggle with depression. While people...
The Three C’s of Grit
Why is it that some people succeed in starting a new business, ministry opportunity, or creative enterprise and others fail? If you read or listen to motivational books you learned the importance of knowing you're why, identifying your passion, developing a business...
Things You May Not Know About Memorial Day
What are you planning on doing this Memorial Day weekend? It will be the official launch of summer, there will be swimming, BBQs, wine festivals, camping, all types of fun activities. My wife and I will hit the road to visit our daughter’s family in the beautiful hill...
John Thurman M.Div., M.A. CMHC
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316 Osuna NE, Suite 2, Albuquerque, NM 87107
Phone Number
(505) 306-0395