John's Blog
Holy Week 2017
Holy Week 2017 is here, and what a start. As I am writing, the networks are sharing a breaking news story about two attacks on two Egyptian Coptic churches on this Palm Sunday. ISIS (Daesh) is taking credit for the horror. It seems that horror is never far from you in...
Want to Get Ahead?
Recently I attended my first roller derby game in Albuquerque, and was I surprised. My memories of roller derby were from the 70's and 80's with the indoor tracks and a bunch of tough looking ladies were put to rest as I observed these athletes in Albuquerque. This...
A Grief Journey Part 1
Photo (c) 2015 Danny Gilleland Dad and I This will be an intermittent series in that I will occasionally post on the process I am experiencing to help some of you work through your losses as we journey down this path together.Reflections on the loss...
Don’t Waste an Opportunity!
Want to know what holds you back from taking the next big step in your life?It is the powerful four letter word Fear.In my life, I have heard at least the acronyms for fear.The first: Forget Everything And Run!The second: ...
A Different Kind of Christmas
My First Christmas without my Mama by John Thurman This Christmas will mark a first for me. It will be a bittersweet one because my mama went to be with the Lord on December 3, 2016. Her death was not a shock or a surprise. For the past several years she fought off...
Christmas Stress Busting Tips Pt 1
Well, it is a few days after a fantastic Thanksgiving Black Friday is done, Cyber Monday is in the books, and Giving Tuesday is almost done. News Flas, we are in the "full speed ahead" mode for this Advent Season.Have you ever noticed It never fails, about three to...
Push Back Stress with an Attitude of Gratitude with Humor
Breaking News: Breast explodes on Thanksgiving Day. Middle Georgia: During the 60’s Right breast of Thanksgiving Turkey explodes in the oven at the Thurman's residence on Westview Drive. No injuries were reported; anxiety levels were high. I grew up in a larger family...
How to Stay Motivated
This is a repeat off an earlier post that many of you commented on.Maintain Your Motivation Part 1 - Using the Goldilocks Rule to Push Ahead.This article is liberally based on one of my favorite bloggers James ClearDoes the name Steve Martin ring a bell? Performer,...
Abe Lincoln and Fear of Criticism
The fear of criticism robs a person of their initiative, destroys imaginations, limits initiative, destroys dreams, steals self-reliance, and does, Lord only knows how much more damage. Napoleon Hill[i] Abraham Lincoln’s StoryDuring his presidency, Abraham Lincoln...
John Thurman M.Div., M.A. CMHC
Stay In Touch
316 Osuna NE, Suite 2, Albuquerque, NM 87107
Phone Number
(505) 306-0395