“The sun’ll come out tomorrow.”

Little Orphan Annie

Are you one who sees the glass as half-full or half-empty? Believe it or not, how you answer the question may reveal how resilient you are!

In the article, How to Use Optimism to Overcome Adversity and Build Resilience, you will discover new ways to face and manage old wounds. All of us go through seasons of testing, and this information will help you face your challenges with faith, hope, and courage.

A definition of resilience I have embraced comes from Dr. George Everly’s book Stronger (2015), a thought leader in Disaster Mental Health.

Personal resilience, or psychological body armor, is your ability to bounce back, pick yourself up, and try again until you succeed or decide on a more productive direction. On a larger scale, it is the ability to rapidly and effectively rebound from psychological issues associated with critical incidents, disasters, or acts of terror.

Can you see how this kind of resilience ties in with optimism? Optimistic people are hardwired to be hopeful and consistently see the good things in life.

The word optimist has an ancient root from the Latin word optimus, meaning the best. For our purposes, practical optimism is a mindset that helps individuals focus on the positive parts of life rather than the negative ones. It is a personality style that routinely displays resilience and personal strength.

Optimism in the face of adversity is all about perspective!

Dr. Marty Seligman (Learned Optimism, 1991) discovered this trait in his early work on “learned helplessness.” Over time, others, including those who work in the Disaster Mental Health Field, noted that people with this optimistic bent seem to recover faster after natural or man-made disasters.

Study after study reveals optimism is a vital part of resilience.

Do you remember the story of The Little Engine that Could? (Click the link to re-read the story.) The key line is, “I think I can! I can! I can.” I hope the memory brings a smile to your face.

Now I’d like you to turn your attention to a story with more adult themes. Please pause and take a moment to read this next piece aloud. Read it slowly, and as you do, listen.

Are you a Treasure Hunter or a Trash Collector

In life, there are two types of people.

The first are treasure hunters. Every day they seek out what is valuable and positive. Then, they focus on it, talk about it, and think about it.

Each of these moments is treasured like a bright,

shining jewel they store in their treasure chest forever.

And then there are trash collectors who spend their lives looking for what is wrong, unfair, and not working. They focus their energy, time, and thoughts on the trash, and every day, they put that trash into a big trashcan.

The treasure hunters proudly carry their treasure into the future, while the trash collectors drag their heavy, smelly trashcans from one day to the next.

The question is: When they get to the end of the year, what does each person have—a treasure chest filled with useful, positive memories or a trash can full of things they didn’t like?

The choice is yours. You get to decide.[i]

Hopefully, you find yourself in a position of want to increase your practical optimism. That makes a lot of sense, given all the current research revealing the power of practical optimism. The foundation maybe even stronger than you realize. While I am excited about all that modern science shows, the idea of joy and optimism going hand in hand is as old as recorded history.

One of my favorite pieces of ancient wisdom literature is Proverbs 17:22 (NLT).

A cheerful heart is a good medicine,

  but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.

Powerful words!

There are at least four practical truths about practical optimism.

  1. Optimism, traditionally considered an unchangeable trait, is a way of thinking that can be learned and enhanced.It is directly associated with reduced depression, anxiety, and stress.
  2. Optimistic individuals are overall healthy physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
  3. Practical optimism enhances resilience and coping skills.
  4. Optimism helps you accept yourself unconditionally and practice self-compassion.

Let’s go deeper.

Let’s Dig a Little Deeper

Dr. Sonya Lyubomirsky, UC Riverside, identifies three types of optimism.

Big Optimism: The deep feeling that things are going well and that this is a great time to be alive.

Little Optimism: General optimism about day-to-day circumstances and meeting your obligations.

Very Small Optimism: The lowest form of optimism, but the comforting belief that you will make it through the day.

Full disclosure: While being positive/optimistic is usually talked about as an all-or-nothing trait, it is possible to be optimistic in some regions of our lives but pessimistic in others. After all, the last time I checked, humans are complex.

Still, I’m referring to a more stable, enduring personality feature, not a momentary state—like a burst of insight or a temporary feeling of joy. This stable-state optimism includes acceptance, resilience, flexibility, and coping skills.

Authors Dr. Caroline Dweck (The Growth Mindset, 2012) and Dr. Elaine Fox (Rainy Brain, Sunny Brain, 2012), have written keen insights about this type of Optimism.

A closed-minded person sees problems as setbacks rather than opportunities. On the other hand, an optimist is more alert to opportunities, less risk-averse, and tends to be “all in.”

Fox writes, “Dispositional optimism is not just about being happy and upbeat. It is more about having genuine hope for the future, a sincere belief that things will work out, and a deep-abiding faith that they can deal with whatever life throws at them. Optimists are not naive; they don’t believe that nothing will ever go wrong, but they have a deep conviction that they can cope. Optimists have a natural tendency and faith to accept the world for what it is but have a deeply held belief that how you deal with things determines who you are.”

A considerable part of being an optimistic person is a proper understanding of being in control. Feeling like the future is hopeless can make a pessimist passive since everything they attempt seems to fail. In sharp contrast, optimistic people believe their actions matter and that they have active input into their outcomes.

I agree with Dr. Fox. Being an optimistic, hopeful person is more than feeling good and upbeat. It is about intentionally engaging with a meaningful life, becoming more resilient, and feeling in control. This mindset is significantly enhanced when one is actively involved in their faith.

Let’s take a look and see How to Use Optimism to Overcome Adversity and Build Resilience from a practical standpoint.

Practiced Optimism and Resilience

The Benefits of Being Optimistic

So what are some of the benefits of learning to be more optimistic? What are some realistic expectations if you choose to become more optimistic?

Increased happiness and a sense of well-being. Optimistic people tend to be happy, partially because they perceive positive events more vividly and expect good to occur.

Increased positive emotions and strengthened relationships. Optimistic people generally have a more upbeat mood, an increased sense of personal vitality, a strong sense of self, and they feel they have some control over their destiny. As a result, positive energy radiates from them. Positive people tend to be easily liked by others.

Fewer negative emotions. The defining characteristic of pessimists is they tend to believe bad events will last a long time and all these negative things are their fault. This mindset will undermine everything they do. On the other hand, when confronted with the same hard knocks, the optimist thinks about misfortune the opposite way. They tend to believe defeat is just a temporary setback and that there will be a way to overcome or adapt. Furthermore, they think they have what they need or know how to access help if required.

Improved health. Optimists generally live longer and are less likely to die from accidents or violence because they tend to take steps to protect themselves.

Improved performance. Optimistic, positive people tend to put more effort toward their goals and dreams. In a nutshell, they are more successful because they have commitment and tenacity.

Better coping skills lead to increased resilience. Optimists tend to cope better with adversity because they face it and, on a deep level, believe they can rise to the challenge. One prominent person who comes to mind is Michael J. Fox, who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 1991. He puts it this way, “Optimism and hope are related to how we think and feel about the future. If we believe things will work out for the best, all setbacks become easier.”

This shift can lead to a more vibrant faith that can find contentment and peace regardless of circumstances. The Apostle Paul said, “Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. Philippians 4:11-13 (NLT)

Action Plan

Will you become a treasure hunter or a trash collector? Every day God gives us is one we can choose to live with the hope, promise, and assurance of his presence. Or we can be negative, overwhelmed, and impotent to deal with life.

I know, on a personal level, that life can be difficult and feel hopeless, and on those days that I struggle, I recall two verses:

Psalm 118:24.             This is the day the Lord has made.
                                    We will rejoice and be glad in it.


Proverbs 3:5-6.            Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
                                and do not lean on your own understanding.
                                 In all your ways acknowledge him,
                                  and he will make straight your paths.


I hope How to Use Optimism to Overcome Adversity and Build Resilience will give you a sense of hope and encouragement as you lean into life.

Contact Info:

Email: john@johnthurman.info

[i] Wilson, D. L., & Conyers, M. A. (2011). BrainSMART: 60 strategies for Increasing Student Learning. Orlando, FL: BrainSMART.p.243

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