By John Thurman

I recently attended and photographed several events at Albuquerque’s Freedom Fourth Celebration and the International Balloon Fiesta Park on the fourth of July. One of the stages was featuring a group from the National Flamenco Institute local in Albuquerque.

Take a second and observe this dancer, at her eyes, her head, her hands. Does she look focused?

This young solo dancer moved her way across the stage like a graceful swan with an attitude. One of the hallmarks of Flamenco is the ability to project happiness and anger with looks, movement, and the impact of their shoes on the dance floor. I had a real sense of the hours of practice and focus this young woman had poured into her performance.

My friend, Dr. Tom Barrett says, “Sustained focus is the single most important component of being successful in life.” Whether you are focused on leadership development, building your business, making that next promotion or building your relationships, it will not happen without focus.

Here are some thoughts from Dr. Barrett:

         Focus is where discipline co-mingles with dreams.

         Focus is where you do what you need to do and not what you want to do.

         Focus is the birth canal through which dreams become a reality.

         Focus is what makes potential become profitable.

         Focus is where notions are put into motions.

         Focus is where you determine if your potential will become a reality.

The Apostle Paul put it this way in Philippians 3:13-14 (NLT)

Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.

May God bless you as you seek to Focus on things that will enrich your life and bring Glory to Him. 

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