
(c) 2013 John Thurman – Prison cell window,Chateau d’ if – Count of Monte Cristo, Marseille, Fr.
Are You Destined to Fail? No!

Do you believe that negative events are unchangeable, and you have little or no control over them? If so, you’ve fallen into the “stinking thinking trap” of Always, Always, Always. This mindset will keep you behind the walls of your prison, if you let it. 

Have you ever thought you were destined to bondage, poverty, and failure? Do you feel like you will always be stuck where you are because of what someone else did or did not do for you? When we get caught up in this stinking thinking trap, we slowly give up on the possibility of hope and change.

The Old Testament story of Gideon is a great example of this. Check out Judges 6:12-24).

The action step is to grab control. Granted, you may not control your entire environment, but there are components you can and need to control. You need to lean into that. Ask yourself these questions:

·      What is changeable?

·      What can I control?

·      How should I go about doing so?

  If you answer these questions, you will begin to push back on Always, Always, Always. Then the power you’ve given the negativity in your life can be transformed into a positive, hope infused, life changing experience.

For more, check out my book, Get a Grip on Depression

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